
Stereo Microscopes


Stereo Microscopes  are designed for low power magnification, typically used to view whole samples or when any sample manipulation is required. This type of optical microscope uses separated optical paths that focus on the same point but from slightly different left and right eyes angles. This creates a stereo three-dimensional image of the sample.
A stereo image, with its depth perception, is ideal for applications where hand-eye coordination is required. Stereo Microscopes also have a considerably larger working distance than compound microscopes, allowing easier manipulation tasks.
Magnifications used may vary from 2x up to 300x, but typically might be between 20x and S0x, depending on which kind of sample is going to be observed.
Stereo  microscope  can  have  a  fixed  magnification,  or  several selectable fixed magnifications, which is achieved by a paired set of objective lenses, or a zoom magnification system capable of continuously variable degree of magnification across a set range.

> Stereo Microscopes can be divided into two basic families. Greenough and CMO Stereo Microscopes 
> Greenough Stereo Microscopes are typically preferred for routine applications such as PCB inspection, dissecting biological specimens, etc. These microscopes are relatively small, easy to use and maintain.
> CMO Stereo Microscopes are generally used for more complex applications requiring high resolution with advanced optical and illumination accessories. The wide range of accessories available for these microscopes lends to their strength in these areas.

Available Models:
SM 700 (Square Base Wide-Field Microscope)
SM 500 (Continuous Zoom Stereo Microscope)
SM 503 FI (Fluorescence Continuous Zoom Stereo Microscope)

SM 343 H (Continuous Zoom Stereo Microscope Head)
SM 342 H (Continuous Zoom Stereo Microscope Head)
SM 230 H (Continuous Zoom Stereo Microscope Head)
SM 220 H (Continuous Zoom Stereo Microscope Head)
SM 216 H (Stereo Microscope Head)

SM B4 (Base for Stereo Microscope)
SM B7 (Base for Stereo Microscope)
SM B8 (Base for Stereo Microscope)
SM B9 (Base for Stereo Microscope)
SM B16 (Base for Stereo Microscope)
SM B20 (Base for Stereo Microscope)
SM B21 (Base for Stereo Microscope)

SM-A1 (Arm type for Stereo Microscope)


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