
Upright Material Science Microscopes


Upright Material Science Microscopes
Refected light microscopy is the choice for imaging opaque samples. The sample is illuminated from above through the objective. Because light is enable to pass through opaque samples, it is directed on the surface and returned to the objective by refection.
Most common samples are : metals, Plastic materials, wood, silicon, ceramics etc.

Upright relected light microscope has two eyepieces, normally 10x magnification, and, in most cases, a tube head dedicated for using a camera system, this connection is normally on the viewing tube.
The nosepiece is capable of holding from four to six objectives, these can be recognized by the Epi tag on their external cover.
Mechanical stage sample holder can be moved in the XY axis , while the entire stage can be moved up and down through coarse and fine focusing mechanism. In certain configurations these movements can be automated by using motorized stage systems.

The illumination system is built-in with dedicate lamp housing, the generated light passes through a vertical illuminator between the nosepiece and below the viewing tube head.
The sample is placed upside down on the stage with the surface to be observed facing the objective.
Several techniques are commonly used: Brightfield, Darkfield, Polarized light and Differential Interference Contrast (DIC).

Available Models:
UM 800
UM 620 BD
UM 400I
UM 300I BD 
UM 210 (X-PRO 210 motorized system)


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